Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Defense against a baseless charge

In the unlikely event that upon my death, I should awaken kneeling before a golden throne and accused of having failed to acknowledge the existence and eminence of the christ god, I have prepared this defense:God, I stand accused of having failed to recognize your existence or worship at your alter. This, is a charge that I do not deny but what I do deny is that this charge is or could have ever been a crime. If you were to ask if I fear being judged in the light of justice and perhaps mercy, my answer is unequivocally no. For while I have on occasion done wrong and I certainly have not done good on each occasion that opportunity did avail, I was none-the-less on the whole a good person. I have never sought to do harm or inflict suffering even on the rare occasions where justice did permit. It is not now nor has it ever been my nature to contribute to the suffering of mankind; as you know, I have spent a lifetime sheltering the weak from harm. This I can say with confidence: the world as a whole was better off because of my existence; if even just by the slightest of increments. I have regrets of course, but if I am to be judged by my merits and failures then I will happily accept the verdict that results. Unfortunately, if the bible makes just one thing clear, it is that the god depicted within is not a being prone towards kindness, justice, mercy or restraint; and thus it is that I have cause for fear. It is now my most earnest hope that this depiction is either in error or grossly exaggerated; but if it is not, then I now suffer the indignity of being judged by the one being to ever have had the privilege of existence that has ever truly been guilty of a crime. If I am to be condemned for the fact that I failed to recognize your existence, despite my earnest and ongoing efforts to do so; if I am to be condemned for honestly held beliefs and convictions, then I am to be sentenced to a painful eternity of contemplating the evil of your nature. Ultimately, my sin is to have failed to acknowledge the possibility that a being so great as to be able to create an entire universe from nothing and purely by will could even conceivably be the monster depicted in the bible. For this failure I would offer no apologies, even if it were possible to apologize for having failed to recognize the loathsomeness of your character. In the end, my fate will be more a reflection of your nature than my guilt.

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